Bradford Glow: English activity
Create poetry inspired by the colours of Bradford in this activity for ages 11–14.
This activity is an opportunity for young people to create poetry inspired by the colours they see in and around Bradford.
Ages: 11–14 (Key Stage 3)
Subject: English
This activity could take an hour. However, the initial conversations about colours can also take a while, so it may be best to give your group plenty of time for writing and allow 90 minutes.
National Curriculum links
Participating in formal debates and structured discussions, summarising and/or building on what has been said, improvising, rehearsing and performing play scripts and poetry to generate language and discuss language use and meaning, using role, intonation, tone, volume, mood, silence, stillness and action to add impact.
Write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information through writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including stories, scripts, poetry and other imaginative writing.