Bradford Glow: Activities for early-years children
Children aged 4–5 will love this Bradford-themed activity pack.
Activity 1: Nature walk
Go outside, look around and collect things we find in nature. Can the children find things that are pink, green and yellow?
Activity 2: Hanging art
Children can use a coat hanger and items they’ve found or made to create a piece of hanging art to display.
Activity 3: Window art
Contact paper makes a great base for this hanging piece of art, which would look really effective hanging in a window. The children can use the nature items from their walk or other collage items for this activity.
Activity 4: A small world
What are the children’s favourite places in Bradford District? It could a local park, a shop or somewhere closer to home, like their living room. Support the children to make a model of their favourite place on a much smaller scale.
Activity 5: Story jars
This could be a good ‘circle time’ activity that takes place every day or every week over a set period, allowing the children to see these colourful story jars gradually fill up.
Ages: 4–5 (Early Years, Reception)
Subject: Art
Learning and development
This wide-ranging activity pack invites children to explore and use different media; utilise different materials, tools and techniques; and experiment with colour, design, texture, form and function.