Bradford Glow: Activities for ages 9–11
If Bradford was a person, who would it be? Answer this question and more in these activities for children aged 9–11.
The first activity is a great starter activity that gets children thinking about what their friends are good at, as well as paying themselves a compliment. It could also lead to a discussion about Bradford 2025 and what being the UK City of Culture means for them.
The second activity, an art activity, gives children the opportunity to imagine what Bradford would be like if it was a person. What would they like, do and say? What would other people say about them?
The third activity is a poetry activity that’s great for those who aren’t confident with writing. It’s silly, fun and a great way of practising reading out loud.
Ages: 9–11 (Key Stage 2)
Subjects: Art, English, PSHE
Each of these three activities should take 30–60 minutes.
National Curriculum links
Art & Design
Improve mastery of drawing.
Perform their own compositions, using appropriate intonation, volume and movement so that meaning is clear.
PSHE association links
Valuing the different contributions that people and groups make to their communities, and the importance of having compassion towards others and sharing responsibilities.