Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture

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The deadline for this opportunity has passed.

Deadline: 9am Mon 20 Jan 2025

As part of our mission to improve health and wellbeing through creativity, we’re launching our Bradford 2025 Social Prescribing Awards. These awards empower artists, researchers, community groups, and organisations in Bradford District and Craven to use arts and culture to tackle health challenges.

There are two tiers of award available – we anticipate making 8 awards of up to £30,000 for partnership projects delivering medium-scale activity; with up to 18 smaller awards of up to £6,000, for smaller projects. For more information on how to apply for each, please read below.

We’re particularly interested in projects that support priority groups, including:

  • People with long-term health conditions
  • Individuals facing mental health challenges
  • Refugees and asylum seekers
  • Gypsy and traveller communities
  • Those affected by dementia
  • People experiencing homelessness

These areas are aligned with the system priorities of the local NHS. We can also consider applications addressing other groups and/or health conditions, but we ask you to emphasise in your proposal why those also constitute important areas of need.

At their core, this programme is to support creative, cultural and heritage activity, but projects that utilise green and blue spaces – like parks, rivers, and woodland – are also encouraged.

What is Creative Health?

Creative Health integrates arts, culture, creativity and heritage into healthcare, to support both mental and physical wellbeing. Activities such as painting, music, dance, and crafting have been shown to reduce stress, boost mood and improve overall health.

These interventions are particularly valuable for individuals facing challenges such as chronic illness, mental health issues, or social isolation, offering meaningful ways to enhance wellbeing and build connection.

How to apply

Small Awards: Up to £6,000

Applications for Small Awards are managed by our partners the VCS Alliance. For more details and to apply, see the link below.

Medium-Sized Awards: Up to £30,000

Applications for Medium Awards are managed by Bradford 2025.

To apply, please submit the application form below.

Please note: for Medium Awards, partnership applications are required (e.g. artist and local organisation). See more information in our guidance below.

Application guidance and useful data

To download useful data about the population in Bradford District, Keighley and Craven that might help your application, download the PDF below.

Purpose of the award

To support the development of innovative creative and cultural activities that improve health and wellbeing across Bradford District and Craven.

Who can apply

Artists, creative facilitators, academics and researchers, community groups, and organisations with a tangible connection to Bradford District and/or Craven.

What we mean by a tangible connection

A tangible connection demonstrates a meaningful link to the local community, geography, or cultural landscape of Bradford District or Craven. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Residency or Location: You or your organisation are based in Bradford District or Craven.
  • Existing Relationships: You have a history of working with communities, organisations, or cultural groups in the area.
  • Cultural Knowledge: Your project reflects an understanding of the district’s unique needs, heritage, or diversity.
  • Collaborative Links: You are collaborating with local partners, artists, or organisations rooted in Bradford District or Craven.
  • Community Engagement: You have established networks or relationships within local communities that your project will build upon or deepen.
  • Service or Impact: Your project will directly benefit the residents of Bradford District or Craven, addressing health and wellbeing challenges specific to the area.
For Medium Awards, partnership applications are required (e.g., artist + local organisation). 

Projects Must: 

  • Address specific health conditions and serve priority groups.
  • Clearly define how you seek to narrow health inequalities in the district and/or Craven.
  • Be developed in collaboration with the communities they serve (co-production).
  • Include methods to measure the impact on participants’ health and wellbeing.
  • Align with the objectives of enhancing the Social Prescribing offer in the district.
  • Provide evidence of risk management and safeguarding plans.
  • Demonstrate GDPR compliance for data protection.
  • Provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance.
Priority groups
  • People experiencing homelessness.
  • Refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Gypsy and traveller communities.
  • People affected by dementia.
  • People with long-term conditions and/or major health issues.
  • People with diagnosed mental health conditions, with areas of focus on young people (age 16-25) and suicide prevention in young men.
Taster session requirement (for Medium Awards):

As part of our commitment to staff and volunteer wellbeing, each successful project will be required to deliver a taster session of their project for the Bradford 2025 team at our office. This session will form part of our Wellbeing Programme and should provide an engaging introduction to the project for staff, volunteers, and partners. Applicants should include a plan for this taster session in their project proposal.

Award details

Small Awards: Up to £6,000 (18 awards available) – apply via VCS Alliance

Medium Awards: Up to £30,000 (8 awards available) – apply via Bradford 2025

Project duration

March 2025 – January 2026

Application deadline

Monday, 20 January 2025 at 9am

Assessment criteria for all awards:
  • Relevance to award objectives and priority groups.
  • Applicants can demonstrate a tangible connection to Bradford District or Craven
  • Must detail cash or kind match funding where applicable
  • Quality and feasibility of the project plan.
  • Innovation and creativity of the intervention.
  • Evidence of co-production with the community.
  • Impact measurement approach.
  • Capacity and experience of the applicant(s).
  • Budget breakdown; is it clear, realistic, and justified?
  • Partnership agreements (for Medium Awards); clear commitment and Roles & Responsibilities
  • Risk management and Safeguarding plans
  • GDPR compliance
  • Evidence of Public Liability Insurance
  • Must consider the sustainability of the project
  • Anything else to ensure due diligence
How we will make our decision

We aim to notify all applicants of our decision during the week commencing 27th January 2025.

Application review process

1: Initial Check

Upon receiving your application, we will first ensure that all required information and supporting documents have been submitted. Incomplete applications or missing documents may result in delays or disqualification, so please double-check your submission.

2: Support with Applications

If you need assistance with completing your application, we encourage you to contact the Creative Health team as early as possible. While we are happy to offer support, we cannot guarantee assistance close to the submission deadline due to high demand. Please contact [email protected] with all enquiries

3: Award Panel Review

Your application will be reviewed by our Social Prescribing Award panel. The panel will evaluate and score each application based on the criteria outlined in the guidance notes.

4: Scoring Criteria

  • Applications will be assessed against the following key criteria:
  • Relevance to award objectives and priority groups.
  • Applicants can demonstrate a tangible connection to Bradford District or Craven
  • Project quality and feasibility.
  • Innovation and creativity of the intervention.
  • Evidence of community co-production.
  • Impact measurement approach.
  • Capacity and experience of the applicant(s).
  • Budget clarity and value for money.
  • Partnerships (for Medium Awards).
  • Safeguarding and GDPR compliance.

5: Additional Information

In some cases, we may request further information to clarify aspects of your application. Additionally, where relevant, we will consult external data sources such as the Charities Commission and Companies House to review your organisation’s constitution and audited accounts for the last two years.

Balancing criteria

Given the high volume of expected applications, we anticipate more proposals than we have resources to support. After reviewing and scoring all applications, the panel will apply balancing criteria to ensure we achieve a fair and equitable distribution of funding. This includes:

  • Ensuring adequate coverage of Priority Groups.
  • Supporting a diverse range of creative activities.
  • Reflecting the diversity of Bradford District and Craven’s communities.
  • Ensuring a geographical spread of projects across Bradford District & Keighley and Craven.
  • These considerations will help us ensure that funding reaches a wide range of communities and activities that align with the core objectives of the Social Prescribing Awards.

More useful information

Following our online Q&A session, we’ve put together some additional questions and answers that may be useful when submitting your application. Download this additional information below.

Resources and community

We’re also building a Creative Health Community of Practice, bringing together artists, cultural professionals, healthcare workers, researchers, and community groups.

If you’d like to join this collaborative network or stay updated, email us at [email protected].

Partners and further information

This programme is made possible through our collaboration with the Bradford District & Craven Health & Care Partnership.

Find out more on their website.

Alongside this, we have formed a Bradford District Creative Health Steering Group with BDCHCP; the VCS Alliance; Bradford Metropolitan District Council; Bradford District & Craven Mind; The Leap; Bradford Producing Hub; Bradford Museums & Galleries.

Join us in shaping a healthier, more connected Bradford District and Craven through creativity.