Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture

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The deadline for this opportunity has passed.

Love films? Learn how to host film screenings in your local community through the Bradford Cinema Creators programme.

The Bradford Cinema Creators programme is an exciting opportunity to kick start your very own community cinema, in celebration and collaboration with Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture, Cinema For All and the National Science and Media Museum. This opportunity is for individuals or groups, passionate about film, to learn how to set up film screenings in their local areas in Bradford.

  • Closing date: 14th March 2025
  • Course duration: April – December 2025
  • Online and in person coaching with Cinema For All
  • £500 bursary to help holding your first two film screenings

Programme outline and dates:

  1. Welcome, introductions and Starting Up workshop – Thursday 4 April, 4:30-6pm (online session)
    You will learn all the important information on how to set up your community cinema including licences and insurances needed, as well creating a name and logo for your cinema and choosing your first film.
  2. Venue and Equipment workshop – Date TBC (in person session in Bradford)
    In this workshop, you will learn how to make your venue cinematic and build your confidence and knowledge in screening equipment. You’ll also gain experience by taking part in a practical set up of some screening equipment to help you practice.
  3. Marketing workshop – Thursday 8 May, 4:30-6pm (online session)
    This workshop helps you to build a plan on how and where to spread the word about your community cinema and screenings. We will also share tips and tools for attracting an audience.
  4. Special events workshop and group catch up – Thursday 22nd May, 4:30-6pm (online session)
    This session offers inspiration on how to create extra special elements to make your screenings memorable for you and your audience. We will also be catching up with each other and about your ideas and plans for your first screening.
  5. Run your first screening between May-July.
  6. Catch up and reflection – Thursday 7 August, 5-6pm (online session)
    In this one-hour session, we will gather online as a group to reflect on how your screening/s have gone, celebrate how far you’ve come and share learnings and ideas for what you have learnt and what you will do for your second screening.
  7. Run your second screening before 10 December 2025.

About Cinema For All: 

Cinema For All is the national organisation for the support and development of volunteer-led cinemas across the UK. For over 75 years they have been providing support and advice, film licences, equipment hire and coaching, helping over 1600 film societies and community cinemas in all regions of UK. 2025 marks the 100th Anniversary of the first film society in the UK and they are celebrating the community cinema movement with several events and projects over this year.  

Bradford Cinema Creators is part of Bradford: A City of Film, a film exhibition programme delivered by Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture, in partnership with National Science and Media Museum. The project is supported by BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery.