31 Jan – 5 May 2025
A new exhibition created with young people from across Bradford District.
Bradford District Museums & Galleries and 125 young people from the district create a new exhibition with artworks from the Government Art Collection.
Curators at Bradford District Museums & Galleries asked their counterparts at the Government Art Collection to suggest a selection of art that they thought might intrigue young people in Bradford District – and with which they might enjoy engaging.
A group of young people then helped narrow down this longlist to 22 works of art on the theme of identity, all but two of which offer the perspectives of British artists working in the UK today. Curators held conversations and workshops over six months to explore the artworks with over 125 young people aged 21 or younger.
I AM ME showcases the chosen artworks from the Government Art Collection alongside the responses of the young people, and shares some of their personal reflections about their own identity.
Curator: Shasti Lowton
Registrar: Matthew Lindop
Bradford District Museums & Galleries
Curator: Jill Iredale
Community Engagement: Sarah Deane
Registrar: Pam Keeton
Out of Place and David Craig Design Consultancy
Community partners
HALE (Health Action Local Engagement), Healthy Minds Apprentices (All Star), Pinc Creative College, Young Masters Visual Art School, GATE youth group, Young Dynamos (Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust), Brad Starz (SEND Youth Voice Group), Atlas Community Primary School, HAF (Holiday Activities & Food programme).